7 Ways to Organize an Exhibition by Location

(This is one of five L.A.T.C.H. organizing principles for any kind of information. See them all here, and a podcast episode about L.A.T.C.H. here. Read a piece about twists on chronology — T for Time — here.)

L is for Location. Organizing content by location is a common approach in exhibitions. An ancient art show organized by region, a hall of fame organized by state, a World’s Fair organized by country.

But that’s just the start.

Here are seven more:

  1. Route: For example, Southhampton, North Atlantic, iceberg off Newfoundland.

  2. Region: Burgundy, Bourdeaux, Champagne.

  3. Topography: Mountain, valley, cave.

  4. Sphere: Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere.

  5. Biome: Tundra, rainforest, savannah.

  6. Stratum: On the jungle floor, in the branches, above the canopy.

  7. Frame of Reference: Planet, solar system, galaxy.

Here’s the thing:
If your next project lends itself to being organized by location, there might be more ways to do that than you might think.



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