The Big Day: Out of Beta

Making the Museum is officially out of beta and open to the public.

Please spread the word, forward your favorite articles, or send friends to If you have been a brave beta reader, this newsletter exists thanks to your comments and care. I can’t thank you enough. Please keep hitting REPLY with comments, so MtM can always be the most helpful to you.

In honor of the occasion, here’s a look back at the very first MtM article published, over two months ago:

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Wow, Who Designed That?

I heard an expert recently assert, in a public setting, “No one should ask who designed an experience after they visit.”

I have … thoughts. Actually, I just disagree. Because that isn’t a useful goal for anyone involved. It shouldn’t be a goal at all.

Yes, visitors should say “Wow, that was interesting.”
Yes, visitors should say “Wow, that was worth doing.”
But visitors should also say “Wow, who designed that?"

Because it’s hard to maintain our relevance.
It’s hard to compete for visitors.
It’s hard to woo our audiences away from their distractions.
Our experiences need every possible advantage.

A design so amazing that visitors ask who designed it is a major advantage.

Systematically planning to achieve the opposite? That makes no sense at all.

Here’s the thing:
You deserve a design that makes your visitors ask “Wow, who designed that?”


P.S. I’ve heard people say similar things about lighting designers. I don’t agree with them either.


Do They Already Have One?


The Bad-Mood Board